- Gathering Our Medicine: Cultural Rituals As Emotional Playgrounds
March 10, 2022 - April 5, 2122
8:00 am - 9:00 am
BCPTA's eLearning Library has wonderful workshops, enriching learning opportunities, and Non-Contact Continuing Education hours (CEs/CEUs) you can do on a schedule that works best for you. BCPTA will be donating 10% of the profits from the eLearning Library sales for BCPTA's 2023-2024 year to the Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (VICCIR). If you would like to learn more about this not-for-profit society based in British Columbia, Canada, please visit: https://www.viccir.org/. *You will have 1 year after the date of your purchase to access this workshop*