The e-newsletter is a benefit of membership with BCPTA. Three issues of Imprints of Play are published annually and are distributed to all members. The e-newsletter includes: a message from the BCPTA President, workshop, book reviews and articles written by play therapists from all over B.C., and a classifieds section.
We would like to encourage both new and old members to get involved in order to keep this unique publication alive. Even if you do not have time to be involved at the committee level, perhaps you have an idea for an article or would like to share your thoughts on a recent play therapy book you have read or an event you attended. A big part of the challenge for this committee is finding people to submit articles, reviews, etc. to make the next issue as interesting as the last.
If you have an idea or would like to submit an article for the next issue of Imprints of Play, please contact the newsletter committee at All inquiries for or about the E-Newsletter Committee can also be sent to this address.
We ask that all materials be submitted a month prior to newsletter publication: the deadline for our next issue is April 15.
2020/21 Publication Dates:
Fall – November
Winter – February
Spring – April